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时间:2022-11-23 来源:热心肠日报 作者:九卿臣 浏览次数:931

Nature Communications[IF:17.694]

① 纳入101名12个月和66名18个月婴儿,评估分娩方式对其肠菌变化规律,以及对肺炎球菌和脑膜炎球菌疫苗的抗体应答;

② 相比性别、抗生素使用和饲养宠物,分娩方式和喂养类型是显著影响疫苗反应的因素,其中阴道分娩与疫苗较高抗体应答有关;

③ 阴道分娩婴儿出生后最初几周,双歧杆菌相对丰度与抗肺炎球菌抗体反应正相关,肠球菌或克雷伯氏菌与其无关,大肠杆菌与两种疫苗抗体反应均正相关;

④ 不同分娩方式与婴儿肠菌变化和特定疫苗反应有关。

Mode of delivery modulates the intestinal microbiota and impacts the response to vaccination
11-15, doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-34155-2

【主编评语】儿童疫苗可为童年期相关感染性疾病提供保护,研究发现微生物组在疫苗接种的免疫反应中发挥重要作用,但生命早期相关因素对婴儿肠道菌群组成及后续疫苗反应有何影响,目前仍知之甚少。近日,荷兰研究人员在Nature Communications发表最新研究,纳入101名12个月和66名18个月婴儿,评估分娩方式对其肠菌变化规律,以及对肺炎球菌和脑膜炎球菌疫苗的抗体应答,发现相比剖腹产,顺产所致的微生物群组成与两种常规儿童疫苗的特定类型抗体响应增强有关。总之,该研究表明生命早期肠道菌群的发展可能为儿童接种疫苗的强大免疫反应奠定了基础,值得关注。

Mode of delivery modulates the intestinal microbiota and impacts the response to vaccination



11-15, Article

The gut microbiota in early life, when critical immune maturation takes place, may influence the immunogenicity of childhood vaccinations. Here we assess the association between mode of delivery, gut microbiota development in the first year of life, and mucosal antigen-specific antibody responses against pneumococcal vaccination in 101 infants at age 12 months and against meningococcal vaccination in 66 infants at age 18 months. Birth by vaginal delivery is associated with higher antibody responses against both vaccines. Relative abundances of vaginal birth-associated Bifidobacterium and Escherichia coli in the first weeks of life are positively associated with anti-pneumococcal antibody responses, and relative abundance of E. coli in the same period is also positively associated with anti-meningococcal antibody responses. In this study, we show that mode of delivery-induced microbiota profiles of the gut are associated with subsequent antibody responses to routine childhood vaccines.

First Authors:
Emma M de Koff

Correspondence Authors:
Debby Bogaert,Susana Fuentes

All Authors:
Emma M de Koff,Debbie van Baarle,Marlies A van Houten,Marta Reyman,Guy A M Berbers,Femke van den Ham,Mei Ling J N Chu,Elisabeth A M Sanders,Debby Bogaert,Susana Fuentes



